"Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology..."


Ubiquity command: lastfm

I found myself tagging all the songs of the soundtrack of the tv series 'Weeds' on last.fm (as you do,) when I realized the search on last.fm is less than optimal for this purpose. It almost always takes three clicks to get to the page I need, even if I have the exact spelling for an artist/track. Enter Ubiquity, the new firefox extension that allows you to add and use simple commands to your browser. In less than an hour, most of which was spent reading the excellent tutorial, the command was working.

The script can be found here on github.

To use it, open ubiquity with your command key, then type:

lastfm [artistname]


lastfm [artistname] - [title]

to go directly to the artist or track page on last.fm in a new tab. Because of the way ubiquity works, you can also select text on a page, and call the command with the selected text as an argument.

Note: this is pretty rough around the edges for now: If the artist name or the track title contain dashes, it will not end up on the correct page. Also, I'm not sure how I can host this so that others can subscribe to the command, and automatically get changes. I currently don't have any 'real' hosting. Maybe github allows me to do this, but I haven't figured it out yet.

P.S.: Here's the link to the tag, and the one to the soundtrack for True Blood, which is a work in progress. Both have very good and diverse soundtracks, which make for nice impromptu last.fm radio stations:

Weeds tag radio
True Blood tag radio

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