"Look out honey, 'cause I'm using technology..."


Subscribing to google groups with a non gmail mail address

Dear lazyweb, I keep running up against this, and it may be documented, but not any place I could find easily:

I want to subscribe to a google group with a non gmail email address, and I can't seem to do it myself. I know as admin of several groups that owners can subscribe or invite people with different email addresses, and I figured that maybe I could just send a mail to [nameofgroup]+subscribe@googlegroups.com, since the +unsubscribe version of that works. I had a brief moment of "doodgemaakt met een blije mus"-erlebnis when I got a confirmation mail, but alas, the link seemed to be invalid. Anyone have any bright ideas?

[edit:] Actually there is a separate page where you can manage all your group subscriptions, and *there* it is possible to select all your registered email addresses on a per group basis. Yay!

Go to http://groups.google.com/groups/mysubs

[edit:] actually still doesn't work, because only my gmail address shows up in the dropdowns, not my other registered and confirmed address.

[edit:] And it suddenly just works now, I noticed the other day. (as in the other email address shows up in the dropdown now.) Cool!


Unknown said...

I do this be attaching a new email to my existing Google account ( https://www.google.com/accounts/EditUserInfo?hl=en ). My Google account (jblount[at]gmail.com) also has hello[at]joshuablount.com and joshua[at]canonical.com attached to it. When I'm inside the Groups interface, there is an option for which address should get the groups emails ( http://groups.google.com/group/group-slug-here/subscribe ).

Unknown said...

Thanks, Josh, does that also work on a per group basis, though? I'd like to subscribe to some groups with my work email and some with my personal one.

Unknown said...

Ok, found it: editing main post...

Unknown said...

Hmm, no still doesn't work: I'd already added and confirmed my address n EditUserInfo, it just refuses to show up on any groups page. Seems a bug particular to some accounts then. I still think my first plan should work: sending a mail to the +subscribe address. It's just symmetrical and elegant...

Vincent said...

Hmm, let me see how I did this...

On my Google Account page (https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount?hl=en) I clicked "Edit" next to "Email addresses" to add my other email address. The on the "Manage subscriptions" page for Google Groups (http://groups.google.com/groups/mysubs?hl=en) I could select which email address to use for each group.

Unknown said...

Right, so I have done the first part, (and confirmed the second email address,) but on the second page, *only* my primary address shows up. This leads me to believe I'm seeing a bug that isn't triggered for everyone, rather than an omission in Google Groups. I will file a bug report.